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PyPi Package

BigTesty is published as Python package to PyPi:

Installation of the project

The package can be installed with pip, we recommend to use a virtual env to isolate the packages for your project:

pip install bigtesty

Authentication on GCP

You need to be authenticated with Google Cloud Platform before running command.

We recommend to be authenticated with Application Default Credentials

gcloud auth application-default login

The current GCP user needs to have the expected privileges to perform the actions in BigQuery and in the GCS bucket specified as backend URL

Execution of the tests

After installed the BigTesty package, we can launch the tests with the CLI:

bigtesty test \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--region $LOCATION \
--iac-backend-url gs://$IAC_BUCKET_STATE/bigtesty \
--root-test-folder $(pwd)/examples/tests \
--root-tables-folder $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables \
--tables-config-file $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables/tables.json

The BigTesty test command with options, launches the test.

To have more details on the command and the options, check the section dedicated to the CLI