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BigTesty proposes a CLI to launch tests.

Command to launch test

The bigtesty test allows to launch the tests

The required options:

  • project: the GCP project ID
  • region: the GCP region
  • root-test-folder: the root folder containing all the testing definition files in Json format. The definitions files need to have the following naming convention: definition_*.json
  • root-tables-folder: the folder containing all the files that concern the creation of BigQuery tables. For example this folder can contain the BigQuery tables schemas.
  • tables-config-file: the config file that contains the list of datasets and tables to create in a Json file.

The root-test-folder, root-tables-folder, tables-config-file need to have an absolute path.

The optional option:

  • keep-infra: by default the infra created by BigTesty during the tests is ephemeral and destroyed. This parameter allows to keep the infra at the end of the tests. Sometimes, it could be interested to keep the tables, to allow developers, data engineers and scientists, to analyse the result data with SQL queries.

Example with an ephemeral infra and only the required options, the command is executed from the root of the bigtesty repo:

bigtesty test \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--region $LOCATION \
--iac-backend-url gs://$IAC_BUCKET_STATE/bigtesty \
--root-test-folder $(pwd)/examples/tests \
--root-tables-folder $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables \
--tables-config-file $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables/tables.json

Example with all the options and an infra kept alive:

bigtesty test \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--region $LOCATION \
--keep-infra \
--iac-backend-url gs://$IAC_BUCKET_STATE/bigtesty \
--root-test-folder $(pwd)/examples/tests \
--root-tables-folder $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables \
--tables-config-file $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables/tables.json

Instead of passing the options by the CLI, we can also pass them with environment variables.

export PROJECT_ID={{project_id}}
export LOCATION={{region}}
export KEEP_INFRA=true
export IAC_BACKEND_URL=gs://{{gcs_state_bucket}}/bigtesty
export ROOT_TEST_FOLDER=$(pwd)/examples/tests
export ROOT_TABLES_FOLDER=$(pwd)/examples/tests/tables
export TABLES_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=$(pwd)/examples/tests/tables/tables.json