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Docker Image

BigTesty is published as Docker image to Docker hub:

Pull the image locally

Pull the BigTesty Docker locally:

docker pull groupbees/bigtesty

Authentication on GCP

You need to be authenticated with Google Cloud Platform before running command.

We recommend to be authenticated with Application Default Credentials

gcloud auth application-default login

The current GCP user needs to have the expected privileges to perform the actions in BigQuery and in the GCS bucket specified as backend URL

Run the tests with Docker

export PROJECT_ID={{project_id}}
export LOCATION={{region}}
export IAC_BACKEND_URL=gs://{{gcs_state_bucket}}/bigtesty
export ROOT_TEST_FOLDER=/opt/bigtesty/tests
export ROOT_TABLES_FOLDER=/opt/bigtesty/tests/tables
export TABLES_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=/opt/bigtesty/tests/tables/tables.json

docker run -it \
-v $(pwd)/examples/tests:/opt/bigtesty/tests \
-v $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables:/opt/bigtesty/tests/tables \
-v $HOME/.config/gcloud:/opt/bigtesty/.config/gcloud \
groupbees/bigtesty test

With Docker, we need to mount as volume all the needed folders:

  • The root testing folder: v $(pwd)/examples/tests:/opt/bigtesty/tests
  • The root tables folder: v $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables:/opt/bigtesty/tests/tables

To prevent the use of a long-lived service account token key for local executions with Docker, we need to share the local gcloud configuration with the container and mount it as volume:

  • The local gcloud configuration: $HOME/.config/gcloud:/opt/bigtesty/.config/gcloud