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Testing code structure

With BigTesty, we have 3 parameters that concern testing files, to pass in the CLI to launch the tests:

  • root-test-folder: the root folder containing all the testing definition files in Json format. The definitions files need to have the following naming convention: definition_*.json
  • root-tables-folder: the folder containing all the files that concern the creation of BigQuery tables. For example this folder can contain the BigQuery tables schemas.
  • tables-config-file: the config file that contains the list of datasets and tables to create in a Json file.

Example of code structure, proposed in the examples/tests folder in the repository:


Root test folder

The files need to be added in the root-test-folder

This folder contains all the testing files and given as parameter to the CLI.

The definitions files need to have the following naming convention: definition_*.json

For more details on the testing definition files, feel free to check the link

In this example, the root test folder is called tests and contains a folder called monitoring that represents the current use case

The root-test-folder CLI option is equals to $(pwd)/examples/tests and need to be an absolute path, that's why we use $(pwd) for an execution done from the root of the BigTesty project

At the root of the monitoring folder, we have the testing definition files:

  • definition_spec_failure_by_feature_name_functions_assertions.json
  • definition_spec_failure_by_feature_name_no_error.json
  • definition_spec_failure_by_job_name_no_error.json

We also have 3 sub folders in the monitoring folder:

  • given
  • when
  • then

Root tables folder

In this example, the root tables folder is called tables and placed in the tests folder: root-tables-folder=$(pwd)/examples/tests/tables

This folder contains all the elements to create the BigQuery tables like the Json schema files

Tables config file

In this example, the tables configuration is placed in the following path: tables-config-file=$(pwd)/examples/tests/tables/tables.json

To have more details on the tables configuration, check this link