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Tables configuration file

This file lists all the BigQuery datasets and tables to create in a Json format and passed to the CLI with the following option: -tables-config-file $(pwd)/examples/tests/tables/tables.json


"datasetId": "monitoring",
"datasetRegion": "EU",
"datasetFriendlyName": "Monitoring Dataset",
"datasetDescription": "Monitoring Dataset description",
"tables": [
"tableId": "job_failure",
"autodetect": false,
"tableSchemaPath": "schema/monitoring/job_failure.json",
"partitionType": "DAY",
"partitionField": "dwhCreationDate",
"clustering": [
  • We create a table job_failure in a dataset monitoring
  • We can reference the tables Json schema and the path needs to start from the tables root folder : "tableSchemaPath" : "schema/monitoring/job_failure.json"
  • We can give the configuration for the clustering and partitioning for the table