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Execute tests from Gitlab CI

Gitlab CI is a popular and the built-in CI tool with Gilab

This sections shows how to use BigTesty with Gitlab CI and how to launch tests with.

The Service Account (default or user-specified) needs to have the expected privileges to perform the actions in BigQuery and in the GCS bucket specified as backend URL

An example of yaml file:


- tests

stage: tests
name: "groupbees/bigtesty"
entrypoint: [ "" ]
when: manual
- |
bigtesty test \
--project $GOOGLE_PROJECT \
--region $GOOGLE_REGION \
--iac-backend-url $IAC_BACKEND_URL \
--root-test-folder $CI_PROJECT_DIR/examples/tests \
--root-tables-folder $CI_PROJECT_DIR/examples/tests/tables \
--tables-config-file $CI_PROJECT_DIR/examples/tests/tables/tables.json

In this example, the authentication is managed internally. If your Gitlab installation or runners are on GCP, you can use Workload Identity Federation to prevent the use of a Service Account token key.

Some explanations on the Gitlab CI steps:

  • The GCP project, region and GCS backend URL are passed as environment variables
  • The CI has only one stage called tests, this stage is based on job with the same name tests
  • The tests job is based on the BigTesty Docker image via the image parameter
  • We need to override the entrypoint of the container without an action (empty string)
  • In this example, the job is manual: when: manual
  • With the script parameter, we can launch the tests, via the CLI and the dedicated command line
  • We need to pass the GCP project, region and GCS backend URL as CLI options
  • For the parameters concerning the testing and tables files, the $CI_PROJECT_DIR predefined variable allows to access to current repo path