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Execute tests from Cloud Build

Cloud Build is a managed service on GCP to execute CI CD pipelines with a Serverless approach.

The tests can be executed with Cloud Build, via the official BigTesty Docker image

The Service Account (default or user-specified) needs to have the expected privileges to perform the actions in BigQuery and in the GCS bucket specified as backend URL

An example of yaml file:

- name: 'groupbees/bigtesty'
script: |
bigtesty test \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--region $LOCATION \
--iac-backend-url $IAC_BACKEND_URL \
--root-test-folder /workspace/examples/tests \
--root-tables-folder /workspace/examples/tests/tables \
--tables-config-file /workspace/examples/tests/tables/tables.json

Some explanations:

  • Cloud Build proposes steps based on Docker images, the single step here is based on the BigTesty image
  • We can invoke command lines, from the script section, and we use the command line and the CLI to launch tests
  • This command line uses all the needed parameters, like the GCP project, region, the testing and tables files
  • By default, Cloud Build adds the folders and files of the current project, in a volume called workspace, that's why the parameters are specified from /workspace
  • Some elements are passed as environment variables and then used in the command line
export PROJECT_ID={{project_id}}
export LOCATION={{region}}
export IAC_BACKEND_URL=gs://{{gcs_state_bucket}}/bigtesty

gcloud builds submit \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
--region=$LOCATION \
--config examples/ci/cloud_build/run-tests-cloud-build.yaml \
--verbosity="debug" .

This command line allows to launch the Cloud Build job from a local machine:

  • The yaml file is referenced with config parameter
  • The IAC_BACKEND_URL (Cloud Storage path) is passed as external variable via the substitutions parameter